Welcome to the island...

As you fly in to the South airport, the apparent barrenness of Tenerife is a bit of a shock to the eye for someone used to the rain-fed green fields of Britain. But during your trip you'll discover the island's habitats are wildly diverse - the "badlands" of Guimar with their strange succulent euphorbias; the verdant cloud forests of Anaga, with their lush ferns and liverworts; the high altitude plant specialists of Teide's Mars-like volcanic landscape; and perhaps you'll make a stop at the lofty Canary Pine forests. On this site you can investigate some of Tenerife's interesting botanical inhabitants - many of which are endemic - and how they are adapted to the challenges of their environment. I hope you'll feel inspired to observe them more closely (much will be revealed with a hand lens) and even make a confident foray into producing descriptive botanical sketches (as required by your fieldtrip handbook).

Use the dropdown menus to filter the plants by location, adaptation, family or level of endemicity (due to the vagaries of Blogger it's easiest to use the browser's back button to return to your list).
